Song Poetry

6th grade:

7th grade:

8th grade:

Poem, Poster Song

All Middle School Literary Terms (Below)

6th Grade Literary Devices
  1. ______ Alliteration
  2. ______Allusion
  3. ______Autobiography
  4. ______Biography
  5. ______Character
  6. ______Chronological Order
  7. ______Cliffhanger
  8. ______Climax
  9. ______Internal Conflict
  10. ______External Conflict
  11. ______Dialect
  12. ______Dialogue
  13. ______Drama
  14. ______Fable
  15. ______Fantasy
  16. ______Fiction
  17. ______Figure of Speech
  18. ______Flashback
  19. ______Folk Tale
  20. ______Foreshadowing
  21. ______Hyperbole
  22. ______Imagery/Sensory  Details
  23. ______Irony
  24. ______Legend
  25. ______Metaphor
  26. ______Mood/Atmosphere
  27. ______Myth
  28. ______Nonfiction
  29. ______Onomatopoeia
  30. ______Oxymoron
  31. ______Paraphrase
  32. ______Personification
  33. ______Plot
  34. ______Poetry
  35. ______1st Person Point of View
  36. ______ 3rd Person Point of View
  37. ______Prose
  38. ______Refrain
  39. ______Rhythm
  40. ______Omniscient Point of View
  41. ______Setting
  42. ______Simile
  43. ______Stanza
  44. ______Suspense
  45. ______Symbol
  46. ______Tall Tale
  47. ______Theme
  48. ______Tone


7th Grade Literary Devices
  1. ______Alliteration
  2. ______Allusion
  3. ______Autobiography
  4. ______Atmosphere/Mood
  5. ______Biography
  6. ______Character
  7. ______Chronological Order
  8. ______Cliffhanger
  9. ______Internal Conflict
  10. ______External Conflict
  11. ______Connotation
  12. ______Denotation
  13. ______Dialect
  14. ______Dialogue
  15. ______Drama
  16. ______Fable
  17. ______Fantasy
  18. ______Fiction
  19. ______Figure of Speech
  20. ______Flashback
  21. ______Folk Tale
  22. ______Foreshadowing
  23. ______Free Verse
  24. ______Hyperbole
  25. ______Imagery
  26. ______Inference
  27. ______Irony
  28. ______Legend
  29. ______Limerick
  30. ______Main Idea
  31. ______Metaphor
  32. ______Motivation
  33. ______Myth
  34. ______Nonfiction
  35. ______Novel
  36. ______Onomatopoeia
  37. ______Oxymoron
  38. ______Paraphrase
  39. ______Personification
  40. ______Plot
  41. ______Poetry
  42. ______1st Person Point of View
  43. ______3rd Person Point of View
  44. ______Prose
  45. ______Refrain
  46. ______Rhythm
  47. ______Sensory Details
  48. ______Setting
  49. ______Simile
  50. ______Stanza
  51. ______Suspense
  52. ______Symbol
  53. ______Tall Tale
  54. ______Theme
  55. ______Tone
  56. ______ 3rd Person Omniscient
  57. ______ Antagonist
  58. ______ Protagonist
  59. ______ Climax


8th Grade Literary Devices

1.  ______Alliteration

2.      ______Allusion

3.      ______Anecdote

4.      ______Autobiography

5.      ______Ballad

6.      ______Biography

7.      ______Character

8.      ______Chronological Order

9.      ______Cliffhanger

10. ______Climax

11. ______Comedy

12. ______Internal Conflict

13. ______External Conflict

14. ______Connotation

15. ______Denotation

16. ______Descriptive

17. ______Dialect

18. ______Dialogue

19. ______Diction

20. ______Drama

21. ______Essay

22. ______Exposition

23. ______Fable

24. ______Fantasy

25. ______Fiction

26. ______Figure of Speech

27. ______Flashback

28. ______Folk Tale

29. ______Foreshadowing

30. ______Free Verse

31. ______Historical Fiction

32. ______Hyperbole

33. ______Idiom

34. ______Inference

35. ______Irony

36. ______Legend

37. ______Limerick

38. ______Main Idea

39. ______Metaphor

40. ______Meter

41. ______Mood/Atmosphere

42. ______Myth

43. ______Motivation

44. ______Narrative

45. ______Nonfiction

46. ______Novel

47. ______Objective Writing

48. ______Onomatopoeia

49. ______Oxymoron

50. ______Paraphrase

51. ______Personification

52. ______Persuasive

53. ______Playwright

54. ______Plot

55. ______Poetry

56. ______1st Person Point of View

57. ______3rd Person Point of View

58. ______Prose

59. ______Protagonist

60. ______Pun

61. ______Refrain

62. ______Rhythm

63. ______Satire

64. ______Sensory Details/Imagery

65. ______Setting

66. ______Simile

67. ______Stanza

68. ______Stereotype

69. ______Subjective Writing

70. ______Suspense

71. ______Symbol

72. ______Tall Tale

73. ______Theme

74. ______Tone

75. ______Tragedy

76. ______Understatement